domenica 13 gennaio 2008

CITY TIPS BRUSSELS - La rue des pittas

Pitta is one of those fast foods which actually require a long preparation. It is assembled quickly, that's true. But for that assemblage to be truly successful, several things have to be in order. First of all the selection of thinly cut greens to be packed into the flat durum bread and briefly toasted. Your average pitta joint will probably display thick cuts of onion, carrot, canned mais, tasteless beef tomatoes (if you are lucky) and lettuce. At "L'Express" pitta comes in the best Lebanese version. Just imagine the visual effect of thinly sliced cucumbers, fennel, carrot, parsley, red cabbage and the dazzling array of flavors they can conjure up. Of course the main pleasure of a pitta is the meat. Roasting on the spits, totemic cones of marinated chicken and lamb have been assembled slice over slice, after marinating for a day. The marinate is the secret of the house (finally a business that has a secret they can be proud of and which is more than MSG...). I guess there is some citrus fruit in it for the slightly tart juiciness and possibly some typically Lebanese spice like the burgundy colored grains they use over raw onions. The bottom line is that the meat used in these pittas is of good quality.
Most pitta joints use some kind of greasy spam, a reconstituted tasteless brownish mass that imitates the shape of the piles stakes but simply does not compare to them in terms of flavor.
To blend the meat and veggies a sauce it may a good idea to spread a creamy sauce on the durum bread. In most cases, mayo or other mayo-based sauces will be used. The good news here is that house offers freshly made garlic sauce (best with a dash of hot harissa) and even the tahina sauce (sesame seeds).
Stepping into L'Express is like joining a busy film set: customers hang around the counter, giving the odd glance to the large flat screen broadcasting an Oriental version of MTV. Three men cook the pittas in white shorts and ties, looking like the cast of a French movie from the 60s. On their side, a cornucopia of fresh fruits for juicing and below a small room where customers can try out some shisha.

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