domenica 6 gennaio 2008


Time to try new things! After some searching for the magic ingredient, I managed to make "gomadofu". It took a few minutes and an hour resting time in the fridge. I followed a very simple recipe by Clea, published in her book on agar agar. Agar agar is a Japanese seaweed, available as a white powder and used to turn liquids into a nice textured jelly that will stand pretty warm temperatures (something that does not happen to other types of gelatine). Clea's version takes less time than the traditional one I saw the chef of a shinto monastery perform in front of my eyes. I was spending some time on Mount Haguro, one of the holy shinto places of Japan. One of the traditional foods of the monks is a tofu-like block made with sesame seeds. The Japanese chef had to give the mix a vigorous beating in order to get the required silky consistency. 
By using agar agar, the whole process is faster and easier and the result quite fine! I served it with a sauce of tamari, vinegar, oil and yuzu spicy sauce. But next time I want to experiment with a yuzu flavored version and a different nut (why not cashew or almond) in the place of sesame.

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