lunedì 24 dicembre 2007


Belgium's best chocolate maker announced a partnership with Nestlé. The goal is to open even more branches around the world. Nestlè will provide Marcolini with the know-how in terms of production, legislation, supply. What's not clear is what Marcolini will have to provide to Nestlé to pay them back.
PERPLEXITY is the least one can feel. After all, Marcolini had started off as the only chocolate maker who ground the cocoal beans himself. He was the first who worked with his own blend of beans coming from different countries, the first to celebrate the superior quality of Venezuelan beans and the difference that the concentration of cocoa will make to flavour. At the time, his Belgian colleagues worked with a big distributor and did not ask too many questions.
A lot has changed since then. Today every chocolate master worthy of this name is aware of the difference between a bean from Venezuela and one from Madagascar. Research has gone further, into Japanese flavours like Yuzu, gree tea and wasabi. But it's not sure that Japan alone will be able to save us.

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