sabato 22 dicembre 2007


These are hard times for fish! Too many people want to eat it. And too many people go for the easy fish, the one who looks like a steak and tastes like a steak: tuna. After years of overfishing, tuna stocks are dramatically low.
But nobody seems to notice and the local supermarket has the usual cuts, ready to be seared or served as sashimi. None of this is even remotely sustainable.
Fish has to do with tentacles, scales, spikes, ink, carapaces...These are wild, arche-looking creatures we ought to love from head to tail.
Back to the supermarket shelf, it's the usual view of overpriced shrimps, chemically treated king prawns from exotic lands, badly farmed sea bass and a few overpriced wild specimens of sole, monkfish or scallops.
How to be more sustainable? Simple: let's give try some of the ugly, slimy ones. Conger eel, carp, They are cheap. They are a hassle. But they are also delicious!
More news to follow!

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